Johnny Avello, the popular Las Vegas Strip bookmaker, says the trader desk he oversees for DraftKings has grown from six people to 75, around the world, all since he joined the company in 2018. Avello built the trader team there, and now says because the traders are so good at what they do, he doesn’t need to be as hands-on as years past. Sports Betting Hall of Famer and DraftKings’ Director of Race & Sportsbook Operations Johnny Avello gives us his take on NFL Wild Card Weekend games. Image/DraftKings NFL Betting Grows Betting on the hugely popular NFL is a big reason for that growth. One of the things Avello references, something the league has done well lately, comes down to scheduling. With games Thursday through Monday, even a couple of Christmas Day games this year, the NFL never loses momentum through the regular season, and that’s a boon for sportsbooks. “And then you throw in a couple of college… Read More
Category: iGaming, NFL, Sports Betting, DraftKings, Johnny Avello, sports betting